Feature Farms: the Use of Tractor Auto Steer

tractor auto steer

As the world ushers in a new era of technological advancements, the agricultural sector has not fallen behind. The inception of auto-steering systems for tractors signifies a giant leap towards modernized precision farming. Tractor auto steer is a technology that utilizes GNSS technology and multiple sensors to guide the tractor along a planned path, ensuring crops are planted and harvested in a proper manner, helping farmers to optimize their crop yields. This paper will briefly introduce this pioneering technology and its significance for agricultural operations.

There are two main types of auto-steering system for tractor: hydraulic auto-steering and electric auto-steering. The hydraulic auto-steering system directly controls steering oil to generate the necessary pressure to steer the tractors, which typically consists of a GNSS receiver, control terminal, and hydraulic valves. In the electric auto-steering system, an electric motor is used to control the steering, instead of hydraulic valves. The electric motor is usually mounted directly onto the steering column or on steering wheel. Like the hydraulic system, the electric auto-steering system also applies a GNSS receiver and a control terminal to determine the tractor’s position and make data corrections.

The hydraulic auto-steering system can effectively minimize vibrations of rough terrain by keeping the steering wheel motionless during operation, thus ensuring the accurate and stable performance in uneven fields and high-speed modes. If applied to managing large farms or dealing with challenging terrain, a hydraulic auto-steering system might be the better choice. Electric auto-steering system, on the other hand, are generally more compact and easier to install, making it more suitable for smaller fields or agricultural vehicles.

The significance of tractor automation is multifold and extends across various facets of agricultural operations.

First of all, tractor automation greatly reduces human error. Even the most skilled operators can find it challenging to maintain a straight line or a specific path, especially in bad weather conditions or uneven terrain. The auto-steering system alleviates this challenge by precise navigation, as well as enhances crop yield and reduces resource wastage.

Secondly, tractor automation enhances safety. The auto-steering system can be programmed to follow predefined security protocols, thus reducing the risk of accidents. Moreover, by minimizing the fatigue associated with long hours of manual steering, auto-steering systems contribute to a safer work environment.

Furthermore, tractor automation significantly augments productivity. The auto-steering system optimizes the tractor’s path during sowing, and reduces the overlapping and missing areas to some extent. In addition, tractors can operate for extended hours with less human intervention, often in a more efficient manner. This ability to work tirelessly paves the way for timely completion of farming tasks, which is often critical given the seasonal nature of agriculture.

Lastly, tractor automation is an important step to achieve sustainable farming. By optimizing the utilization of resources and minimizing waste, automated tractors contribute to eco-friendly farming. This ability to operate efficiently with reduced human intervention aligns with the global movement towards creating sustainable agricultural systems.

In a word, tractor auto steer has become an indispensable part of modern agriculture, paving the way for precision agriculture and future farms. The benefits it brings, from reducing human error and increasing yields to sustainable practices, are driving its adoption in the agricultural community. As the continuous acceptance of technological progress in agricultural industry, tractor auto steer will play a vital role in shaping the future of agriculture.


Post time: Jan-22-2024